男人,就是要逆流而上。阿龙(吴镇宇饰)、淑仪(潘灿良饰)、泰哥(黄德斌饰)、威廉(胡子彤饰),四个高不成低不就、做事得过且过的宽频网络公司员工,见公司掀起了裁员风暴,为表对公司忠诚以「保饭碗」,误打误碰地加入了公司新成立的龙舟队!面对男人之苦,这班本来选择逃避的大叔们,坐到只许前进不许后退的龙舟之上,竟重拾了人生久违了的冲劲。一鼓作气的他们,不但参与了难度更高的长途龙舟大赛,更借着重新燃起的斗志,迈步去迎接自己人生里一道又一道的逆流… A group of four telecommunications employees at Pegasus Broadband, headlined by Francis Ng in his most charming role in recent memory, begrudgingly join the company dragon boat team hoping such a pledge of loyalty will keep them immune from encroaching layoffs. Under the tutelage of the pretty young no-nonsense coach, Dorothy (Jennifer Yu) they learn not just how to really race, but also to confront their own impending mid-life crises. From nagging families and infidelity to unrequited love and elusive Andy Lau concert tickets, myriad demons are exorcised as our bungling protagonists overcome the odds and take charge in this life-affirming comedy-drama.