两周TWO WEEKS(2019)

主演:三浦春马 芳根京子 比嘉爱未 三浦贵大 稻垣来泉 近藤公园 神尾佑 久保田悠来 原沙知绘 池田铁洋 高岛政伸 黑木瞳 

导演:本桥圭太 / 木内健人 / 编剧:山浦雅大 Masahiro Yamaura





Plot Summary:Thug Daichi is released from prison where he was incarcerated for attempted murder. He is listless and is not working towards any kind of a future. He finds out that a woman he had sex with had given birth to a girl as a result. The girl has cancer, is hospitalized and needs a bone marrow transplant. Daichi goes to the hospital and a test reveals that he is a match. However, he is arrested again before he has a Chance to help his dying daughter.
三浦春马(29)将主演7月起每周二晚9点开播的火9新剧『TWO WEEKS』,本剧改编自13年播出的同名韩剧『两周』,春马饰演的主人公·结城大地在过去因杀人未遂的罪名而服刑,现在对人生失去了希望的他浑浑噩噩的度过着每一天,而这时在他面前却出现了人生中唯一心爱、却又因为某件事而单方面告别的女性,被告知从她那里生下了属于他们的女儿·小花,可惜小花现在患有白血病而需要匹配血型,幸运的是结城的骨髓和女儿完全匹配,在两周后就可以动手术了。与此同时,结城被人陷害作为杀人犯逮捕,于是他开始了逃亡的这两周时间来拯救自己的女儿。另外,首次主演该档作品的春马在剧中还将挑战激烈的格斗戏及各种变装造型。
