1931年塔吉足球俱乐部Dapol tan payawar na Tayug 1931(2017)

又名:The ashes and ghosts of Tayug 1931


主演:Fe GingGing Hyde Perry Dizon 索利曼·克鲁兹 Cedrick Juan Donna Cariaga Mark Jheroben Buada Raul Tamayo 

导演:Christopher Gozum / 编剧:Christopher Gozum





Plot Summary:A filmmaker revisits the town of Tayug, Pangasinan in preparation for a new feature film she is making about the folk hero Pedro Calosa and the Tayug Uprising of 1931. As she revisits the actual sites in Tayug where the infamous uprising had taken place, she imagines scenes in her new film about the subject. As she goes deeper in her research at Tayug, she uncovers the memories of the townspeople about Pedro Calosa and the Tayug Uprising of 1931.
A layered historical docudrama centred on a forgotten Filipino revolutionary who led a peasant revolt against American colonialism.   一个电影制作者重访了小镇Tayug来筹备她的新片,她想要拍摄当地的英雄Pedro Calosa和1931年的Tayug事件。她重访那些故址,想象着自己电影中的场景。随着她对Tayug的调查不断深入,当地居民对Pedro Calosa和1931年的事件的记忆被逐渐解开。   本片入选2018年鹿特丹国际电影节官方展映。
