Rote Erde Weißer Schnee(2018)

又名:Red Earth White Snow

上映日期:2018-03-16(奥地利) / 2019-01-16(Max Ophüls Festival)片长:71分钟


导演:Christine Moderbacher / 编剧:Christine Moderbacher

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Rote Erde Weißer Schnee:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:The question of foreign aid polarises - an experience filmmaker Christine Moderbacher makes when she, her father and his friends accompany their parish minister to his home village in Biafra, Nigeria, to help with the construction of a school. As ongoing independence efforts cause a hostile environment, they are rarely allowed to leave the premises. Caught in the role of \"the helper\", Moderbacher feels increasingly uncomfortable, something her father cannot relate to. A film full of humanity and interpersonal relationships which questions the concept of foreign aid and also allows for a little grin over dusty neo-colonial ways of thinking.
