
又名:Alarm für Cobra 11 - Die Autobahnpolizei:Für immer und ewig


主演:雷内·施泰克 埃尔多冈·阿塔雷 

导演:巴斯蒂安·维格 / 编剧:弗兰克·科奥普曼/罗兰德·海普





Plot Summary:Semir and Andrea finally getting married. But a freak accident in which are involved Semir and Jan, threatens to thwart the long-awaited ceremony. During the persecution carried the bridal car in front of the daughter of the chief of police in Cologne. This is angry and degrades Semir and Jan, who as they normally do they refuse to leave the case, although they find and stop them temporarily from his post.. With the help of his friend of the Scientific Police,Hartmut, Semir and Jan discover something very strange that one suspect had died some time. Hartmut explains that death can be faked using poison puffer fish. While Jan discovers that someone else is a dead man walking, the murderer of Feuertaufe dangerous, which is also involved in this case. When closest to unmask the culprit, this is kidnapping Andrea and poisoned blowfish poison, forcing Semir and Jan to undertake a dangerous race for arresting the culprits and recover the antidote in time to save Andrea, and arrive at the ...
西米尔(雷内·施泰克 René Steinke 饰)和里希特(埃尔多冈·阿塔雷 Erdogan Atalay 饰)在执行一起任务时,不仅没有抓到凶手,还撞坏了警察局长女儿的婚车,两人因此遭到了撤职,被派往郊区做执勤交警。在执勤的过程中,两人再度发现了凶手的踪迹,他们一路追踪到殡仪馆,线索断在了那里。紧接着,一辆押送黄金的押运车被劫持,黄金下落不明,种种线索表明,这起案件也是和之前同一凶手所为。   就在案件毫无头绪的同事,西米儿和安德里亚的婚礼也日渐逼近。让大家都没有想到的是,凶手竟然将行凶的下一个目标锁定在的安德里亚的身上。
