El cerco(1955)


主演:José Guardiola Isabel de Castro Ángel Jordán Francisco Piquer Carmen de Ronda Luis Induni Carlos Ronda Miguel Fleta Emilio Fábregas José Rodríguez de Acosta Eugenio Testa Consuelo de Nieva Antonia Manau Mabel Rolan Mercedes Monterrey 

导演:Miguel Iglesias / 编剧:Juan Bosch

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El cerco:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:A group of robbers assault a factory in the port of Barcelona, but, upon being discovered, they are forced to flee hastily, each one his own way. An exhaustive police device is then initiated with the aim of capturing them. But the police persecution to which the members of the gang are subjected incites distrust between them and, one after another, they will fall, until only two remain.
