Bellicher Season 2(2013)

又名:Bellicher: Cel

主演:Daan Schuurmans Anna Drijver Benja Bruijning Aafke Buringh Tim Murck Anniek Pheifer Huub Stapel 

导演:Peter de Baan / 编剧:Matthijs Bockting/Willem Bosch/Michael Leendertse/Pieter van den Berg

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Bellicher Season 2:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Michael Bellicher is fully rehabilitated and reinstated in the communications consultancy firm. When he attends his son Kees's farewell party before his stepfather moves to the US, the knave asks him if he can stay and move in, without consulting the not amused guardian couple. After a strange warning from a former professional acquaintance who asked him to drop by soon, Michael rides home, witnesses his car in the river and dives after him. Shortly after, he's arrested in a twin he doesn't know as suspect of the fatal hit and run on a Polish mobster's girl kin committed with a car registered on his name, which he denies knowing about. The local pro bono-lawyer Margot Westerveld advises 'cooperating' but seems in league with good and bad cop while a voice in the neighboring cell warns him. After his firm's lawyer Daniel Klasman arranges bail, he's attacked by violent goons and driven back inside the precinct, where he's jailed.
