辩证法可否用来碎大石?La Dialectique peut-elle casser des briques ?(1973)

又名:The Crush/Crush Karaté


主演:Chan Hung Liu 吴冠英 白彪 

导演:魏延年 / 



日期 资源名称
2019-09-28 Can dialectics break bricks?
2019-09-28 La dialectique peut-elle casser des briques



Plot Summary:Imagine a kung fu flick in which the martial artists spout Situationist aphorisms about conquering alienation while decadent bureaucrats ply the ironies of a stalled revolution. This is what you'll encounter in René Viénet's's outrageous refashioning of a Chinese fisticuff film. An influential Situationist, director René Viénet's stripped the soundtrack from a run-of-the-mill Hong Kong export and lathered on his own devastating dialogue. A brilliant, acerbic and riotous critique of the failure of socialism in which the martial artists counter ideological blows with theoretical thrusts from Debord, Reich and others.
