25 Sets(2019)


主演:戴夫·阿特尔 Aaron Berg 史蒂夫·伯恩 贾达·弗雷德兰德 吉姆·加菲根 詹妮安·加罗法洛 Dante Nero Mark Normand 

导演:Matt O'Dowd / 

25 Sets:在线播放

25 Sets:最新迅雷BT资源

25 Sets:最新字幕下载

25 Sets:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Aaron Berg is one of the hardest working comics in New York City. As everyone who's anyone in NYC will attest, it is only fitting that he set out to break the world record for most comedy sets in one night.
Aaron Berg is one of the hardest working comics in New York City. As everyone who's anyone in NYC will attest, it is only fitting that he set out to break the world record for most comedy sets in one night.
