The Good Fellows(1943)


主演:塞西尔·凯拉威 海伦·沃克 马贝尔·佩吉 Kathleen Lockhart 

导演:Jo Graham / 编剧:George S. Kaufman

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The Good Fellows:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:The title of Grand Caesar in the Ancient Order of Noblest Romans of Wakefield, Indiana keeps Jim "Pop" Helton so involved and distracted that he forgets to pay the family's bills, nearly makes a shambles of a real estate deal his oldest daughter, Ethel is working on,almost wrecks her romance with Captain Tom Drayson, and gets involved in a game with a pool shark in an effort to raise the remaining $75 of the $6,750 needed (that they didn't have) by the Wakefield Lodge to host the national convention of the Noblest Romans.
