鬼母The Only Mom(2019)

又名:鬼玩伴(台) / The Only Mom

上映日期:2019-11-01(中国台湾) / 2019-02-08(缅甸) / 2019-03-29(越南)片长:100分钟

主演: 奈奈 Pyae Pyae 乌萌瑞仪 Ton Ton 

导演:Chartchai Ketnust / 





Plot Summary:A family move out of town to raise an autistic daughter peacefully. The new colonial style house is full of old photograph taken by the wet-glass process. The girl changes, she sleeps at day and awake at night. The emotional daughter became polite and sweet little girl. The mom feels she really became a perfect mom for the first time. The house getting strange day by day with a mystery unsolved for a decades. Who really inside a little girl, the same autistic girl or a spirit? Will mother wants her real daughter back or continue with a sweet little girl?
取材传统民间习俗轶事。民间信仰中,为求幼童平安长大,会祭拜鸟仔婆,也就是俗称的床母,并在床上进行焚香祭拜;由于祭拜位置一点,常会吸引孤魂与地缚灵抢 食香火,顶替神祗。   由于女儿向来不爱与人交谈,有轻微的自闭倾向,父亲求神问卜后,开始侍奉民间家神-鸟,由于父亲接下新工作,全家人搬离大都市,住进乡村的豪华宅院里。 仔婆,俗称床母,保佑幼童不哭不闹,安稳长大。   女儿症状逐渐好转,原本情绪化的女儿,变得乖巧可爱,母亲感觉到成为完美母亲的骄傲。但女儿却开始彻夜不眠,与新认识的好友每晚玩游戏;但屋里,除了夫妻与女儿 外,再也没有第四人进来过,这位神秘的新玩伴竟是...
