Plot Summary:A four-episode animated series charting the adventures of four dinosaurs - each on a different continent in the prehistoric world: a lone female Velociraptor in Asia; a young male Daspletosaurus in North America; a South American female Saltasaur; and a young adult Pyroraptor in Europe. Narrated by Christian Slater and hosted by paleontologist Scott Sampson.
从戈壁沙漠到哈采格岛,从蒙大拿州到巴塔哥尼亚,最新的古生物发现让我们首次拼凑出恐龙的生命故事。运用CGI技术的重建,这部纪录片从恐龙的视角入手,将恐龙的生活拍成了四个小故事。 1.伶盗龙白点的旅程 2.火盗龙波德的冒险 3.惧龙达斯的首次猎杀 4.萨尔塔龙阿尔法的生命故事