石原莞爾 - 战争的始作俑者Général Ishiwara - L'homme qui déclencha la guerre(2012)

又名:General Ishiwara–The Man Who Triggered the War(日) / 发动战争的男人(台)



导演:Paul Jenkins / 编剧:Bruno Birolli/Olivier Heinemann/Guillaume Podrovnik/Stéphanie Roussel

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石原莞爾 - 战争的始作俑者:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Most Europeans believe the Second World War started on 1st September 1939, the day the German Army invaded Poland. They also think that the conflict spread to Asia on 7 September 1941 when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. In fact, the origins of the conflict go back well before then, namely on 18 September 1931 when Manchuria was invaded by a now-forgotten Japanese general: Ishiwara Kanji. From the 1920s onwards, he set out to propel Japan on a path of confrontation with America and its Allies. This fascinating story sheds a new light on the Pacific War. One of its many strong points is the fact that Ishiwara filmed his men in the military, his daily life, his social life, by himself with a Pathé Baby 9.5mm. A unique opportunity to see this period through the eyes of one of its key players.
详细记录了石原莞尔及其他的军官,如何欺骗世人及日本政府,自导自演发动九一八事变,以二万三千多兵力迅雷不及掩耳地占领中国东北111万平方公里的领土。为了制造出兵借口,深谙摄影的他还特别下令摄影师在拍摄铁路受损情况时,同时拍下被日军诬陷投掷炸弹的中国士兵尸体,以便欺瞒世人,伪称铁路被炸不是日军阴谋,而是中国人自己干的。   一旦战争启动,石原却想要阻止关东军全面侵华,甚至策划了暗杀主战的东条英机,但情势已经失控。   纪录片还有石原莞尔自己拍摄、作为日记的影像,忠实呈现二战期间重创亚洲的恐怖攻击;在那些事件中,石原莞尔扮演着关键的参与者和旁观者的角色;另外,更可见他的日常社交和家庭生活。   1945年日本投降后,石原莞尔并没有成为战犯,于1949年8月15日因膀胱癌病死家中,终年60岁。
