Mon curé chez les pauvres(1956)


主演:阿莱蒂 Yves Deniaud 雷蒙·比西埃尔 

导演:亨利·迪亚芒-贝尔热 / 编剧:亨利·迪亚芒-贝尔热 Henri Diamant-Berger/Clément Vautel

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Mon curé chez les pauvres:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:In the church a crook chats the vicar up with his "art "jargon.And it works since an invaluable Christ on the cross from the fifteenth century is sold for a song ,for the priest wants to have the roof of his church fixed.He promises his angry bishop to find again the precious cross and to confound the crook;In his investigation, the vicar passes himself off as his twin brother ,(a layman!)and the garage owner ,a woman wearing a boiler suit and a cap,tries to seduce him.
