Plot Summary:Frivolous, flirtatious, handsome Ozan Ekinsoy is the heir of the largest holding in Turkey Ekinsoy Holding. But because of a big mistake he made, his father Orhan sent a kiss to punish him. The poet meets Nazli in the country with a pure heart and beauty that he has not witnessed until that day. Nazli, the pupil of the village where she lived without her mother and father, is a brave and beautiful young woman who can stand on her own feet. Ozan is very influenced by this authenticity of Nazli and begins to feel emotions that he never anticipated against Nazli; He fell in love with Nazli. Nazli also tells him. The exciting beginnings of an increasingly entertaining chase. They have a very nice time together, but Ozan is obviously not married to Nazli. But since childhood, Fatma is the number one rumor of Fatma and the region that has raised Nazli. It is a misunderstanding that catches two lovers, Nazli and Ozan must marry without ever wasting time. The poet finds himself suddenly in a ...