Nazi Collaborators(2010)

又名:The True Story of Nazi Collaborators


导演:Michael Wadding Nick Aarons Martin Jo Hughes David Berry Sarah Jobling / 

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Nazi Collaborators:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:As shown on TV, Nazi Collaborators explores the fascinating and often shocking tales of how individuals from all walks of life: the privileged; the political elite; ordinary working men; turned against their nations and races to fight alongside the Nazis during World War 2.Many did it for financial gain, others for the promise of elevated status. Some believed that siding with imperialist Germans offered the best chance of survival for their people, whilst others later claim they would be killed if they refused.From the Jewish leader who offered up his people as free labour, to the ex French Prime Minister who actively aided the Nazi hunt for the Resistance. And from the IRA-German plot to usurp control of Northern Ireland to the brutal killing squads of Lithuania, this ground-breaking series explores the complex motivations behind the controversial paths these collaborators chose.Uncovering incredible personal stories, this Special Edition Box Set features all 13 episodes across 4 ...
卖身投靠纳粹的欧洲各国人士无一例外不以反布尔什维克斗士的名目为自己辩护。   迫害少数族裔,掠夺本国资源,都是为了更好的反布尔什维克。
