
又名:第一次告别 / A First Farewell


主演:艾萨·亚森 凯丽比努尔·热合米图力 艾力乃孜·热合米图力 穆萨·亚森 亚森·卡斯木 乌古来木·苏吾尔 塔杰古丽·海麦尔 热合米图力·克然木 克然木·喀斯木 

导演:王丽娜 / 编剧:王丽娜 Lina Wong



日期 资源名称
2023-09-27 kuvun.org.a.first.farewell.2020.1080p.web-dl.h265.
2023-09-18 kuvun.org.【1080p超清中文字幕】第一次的离别迅雷下载.2018.1.48gb.torr
日期 资源名称
2023-09-18 kuvun.org.a.first.farewell.2020.2160p.hq.web-dl.h2
2023-09-18 kuvun.org.a.first.farewell.2020.2160p.hq.web-dl.h2



Plot Summary:Isa Yasan is a Muslim boy from the countryside in Xinjiang, China. His mother was left deaf and mute from meningitis, and she frequently wanders away from home. Isa loves his mother deeply, and is torn among taking care of her, going to school and doing farm work. He is friends with a lively little girl named Kalbinur. They are taking care of an adorable lamb together. Kalbinur's grades in her Uyghur are good, but her Chinese scores are terrible. Since Chinese is the national language, her mother wants to move to the city and find temporary work so Kalbinur can go to a Chinese school. Her father doesn't agree to the plan, and the two argue a lot. That winter, Isa's father decides to send Isa's mother to a nursing home, and Kalbinur's family makes plans to leave the village. Isa reads a story called "A First Farewell" in school, and although he does not fully understand the idea of farewell, he will soon experience it himself.
故事发生在地大物博风景壮丽的新疆,艾萨是一个从小到大都在这里长大的土生土长的新疆男孩。艾萨出生在一个并不富裕的家庭之中,母亲的患病让家里的经济条件雪上加霜,母亲的病不仅让她丧失了语言功能,还常常会离家出走不见踪迹,因此艾萨必须在上学之余格外小心的看护随时都会发生状况的母亲,因为艾萨深深的爱着自己的母亲,所以这点苦他从来都不放在心上。   凯丽比努尔是艾萨虽好的朋友,艾萨遇到了什么烦心事第一个想到的就是和她倾诉,两人还共同养育着一只小羊。人生海海,每一步都是两人相互扶持着走过,一路上留下最美好的回忆。
