宇宙魅影Phantom of the Universe(2016)

又名:Phantom of the Universe: The Hunt for Dark Matter



导演:Joao Pequenao / 编剧:R. Michael Barnett/Carey Ann Strelecki





Plot Summary:Phantom of the Universe is an an exciting exploration of dark matter, from the Big Bang to its anticipated discovery at the Large Hadron Collider. The show will reveal the first hints of its existence through the eyes of Fritz Zwicky, the scientist who coined the term "dark matter." It describes the astral choreography witnessed by Vera Rubin in the Andromeda galaxy and then plummets deep underground to see the most sensitive dark matter detector on Earth, housed in a former gold mine. From there, it journeys across space and time to the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, speeding alongside particles before they collide in visually stunning explosions of light and sound, while learning how scientists around the world are collaborating to track down the constituents of dark matter.
从宇宙大爆炸到大型强子对撞机,《宇宙魅影》展示了一段刺激的暗物质探索旅程。科学家 Fritz Zwicky 通过细心观察,首先发现了暗物质的存在,并将其命名为「暗物质」。电影还演示了科学家 Vera Rubin 在仙女座星系中观测到的星体运行模式,随后带领观众至地底深处,在一座荒废的金矿洞中,参观地球上最灵敏的暗物质探测器。   观众更会穿越时空,来到位于欧洲核子研究组织的大型强子对撞机,与粒子一起加速,直至发生绚丽迷人的爆炸性碰撞,同时了解世界各地的科学家如何通力协作,追寻暗物质的成分。
