Plot Summary:Documentary on Chinese composer Tan Dun of "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon" and "Hero" fame, shot on location in the remote province of Hunan (China), in New York City and in Leuven, featuring the cellist Maya Beiser and the singers Elizabeth Keusch and Stephen Bryant, the conductor Erik E. Ochsner and famous director Ang Lee.
追踪谭盾和李安合作《卧虎藏龙》的过程,在纽约、湖南取景,大提琴家Maya Beiser,歌唱家Elizabeth Keusch,指挥家Erik E. Ochsner在纪录片中出镜。该纪录片获03年蒙特利尔艺术电影节最佳人物纪录片。