


导演:Teenaa Kaur / 





Plot Summary:The film is a narrative of three Sikh women living in Widows Colony wherein they lost their homes and men in the violent killings of 1984 when over 2733 Sikhs were killed in Delhi and over 9000 in India after the death of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.It is the biggest state sponsored massacre in India which has been systematically removed from the public memory calling it anti-Sikh riots.\n\nEvery evening Sikh women from the \"Widows Colony\" share their lives. They are nestled away from the so-called developed Metropolis New Delhi to a rehabilitated colony as their men and family members who were daily wage earners were killed in the massacre of 1984. Three decades later, the filmmaker Teenaa Kaur who has witnessed the impact of violence in her home and had grown up listening to stories wants to know the truth about the incident and how it influences her identity. She connects with the women and children to know their journey and impact of violence after so many years. One evening, the women question what happened to the dead bodies of their men who were killed in the massacre? This brings a turn around in the lives of the women as they set on a journey to reconcile the truth. Harbans Kaur works each day but dreams about her husband whose dead body no one ever found. Kuldeep Kaur won the case of her husband's murder for battling for eleven long years but is still looking for the house that she lived 33 years ago.The young Mohan Singh, born in 1984, is into drugs and misses his son. And his mother Meera Kaur struggles to put him into the drug rehab. The women negotiate the tragedy in their lives each day but they work and move ahead with resilience and fortitude. The film follows an observational approach to the lives of the women and Mohan Singh who negotiate everyday to live bravely. The primary themes in the film are courage, resilience, justice and identity.
一切都从印度总理英吉拉甘地被刺杀开始,全国各地将近三万名锡克教徒遭到暴徒杀害,而后政府在新德里边界,为三千名锡克教寡妇及其家属设置狭小封闭的「寡妇村」(Widows Colony),但每一次安抚与承诺,只是更加突显大屠杀未被认真讨论,以及她们饱受忽视的辛酸。29 年后,导演来到寡妇村,耗费超过四年时间取材,以三位勇敢的女性为主,分享她们如何与政治周旋、与记忆的黑洞共存。大量旁白和珍贵档案影像编织过去现在,长时间建立的信任关系,得以窥见最私密的观点。
