How Did You Get In? We Didn't See You Leave(1984)

又名:Par où t'es rentré? On t'a pas vu sortir


主演:杰瑞·刘易斯 Philippe Clair 马蒂·维拉龙嘉 康妮·尼尔森 

导演:Philippe Clair / 编剧:Philippe Clair

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How Did You Get In? We Didn't See You Leave:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Clovis Blaireau is a private detective. It is charged by Nadège de Courtaboeuf wife knew wealthy industrialist Prosper de Courtaboeuf, to obtain evidence of the infidelity of her husband. Clovis managed to penetrate the intimacy of Prosper, and became his friend. Following diverse Clovis and Prosper adventures will find themselves in Tunisis pursued by a band of Mafioso and by members of the Front of breaking load of Couscous.
