终极追杀Sitting Target(1990)

又名:终极警察 / Prime Target


主演:Tom Rocklyn Sharon Sheehan 

导演:Phillip J. Roth / 编剧:Phillip J. Roth





Plot Summary:Cop/ex-special forces officer Tony Rico crosses the mob by refusing to sell-out, even after he finds that his father is on their payroll. In a shoot-out, Tony is trapped in an exploding house that leaves him near death and comatose, with over 90 percent of his body burned. Five years later, a man wakes up in a coma ward-a man with no past, whose face has been reconstructed with plastic surgery. A scientist researching memory recovery begins to piece together the unknown man's past, and consequently, the past of Tony Rico comes to light. But the mob has not forgotten and Tony's life is still in jeopardy. When Tony's father discovers that his son is alive, he attempts to rescue him from a team of mob assassins. It is only when Tony meets up with his original doctor that a final twist in his bizarre life is revealed.
在一桩案件中,前特别重案组警官托尼里克拒绝接受匪徒的贿赂,即使用权是他发现他父亲 也在受贿名单之列。一次交火中,托尼陷于璋爆炸的房子里,人们发现他时他已是奄奄一息,昏 迷不醒,并且身上有百分之九十我面积的烧伤。五年以后,在医院里,一个被精心看护的病人苏醒过来。这个男人没有他的过去,他的脸经过成形外科手术被重新修整,。一位科学家在努力帮助其恢复记忆。托尼渐渐回忆过去的许多事情。匪徒并没有忘记托尼。身体已渐渐恢复过来,他尽力将他从匪徒的暗杀中解救出来。托尼和科学家在逃亡的途中遇到了他原来的医生,最终意想不到的转折和异乎寻常驻的事情发生在托尼的生活中……
