Fear No More(1961)

又名:Matkalippu pelkoon


主演:玛拉·鲍尔斯 雅克·伯格拉克 John Harding Helena Nash John Baer Anna Lee Carroll 罗伯特·卡恩斯 彼得·布罗科 Peter Virgo Jr. Gregory Irvin Emile Hamaty 

导演:Bernard Wiesen / 编剧:Robert Bloomfield/Leslie Edgley

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Fear No More:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Traveling by train from Los Angeles to San Francisco, a woman--recently released from psychiatric care--is accused of the murder of a woman found dead in her compartment. Arrested and taken off the train, she escapes custody and flees to her apartment, where she finds another murder victim. She realizes she is being set up, and sets out to find out who and why.
Traveling by train from Los Angeles to San Francisco, a woman--recently released from psychiatric care--is accused of the murder of a woman found dead in her compartment. Arrested and taken off the train, she escapes custody and flees to her apartment, where she finds another murder victim. She realizes she is being set up, and sets out to find out who and why.
