Plot Summary:Mike and Kinta, two struggling comedians in New York decide to try their luck in Las Vegas, but on their way, a traffic accident places their two spirits back in time to August 1, 1945 into two infirmed Japanese kamikaze pilots. Still possessing their American personalities and sentiments, they infuriate their fellow Japanese pilots who are preparing to sacrifice their lives to protect and defend their country. Although friendships grow and dreams are shared, patriotism and duty reign in spite of Mike's concerted attempts to convince the departing pilots of the futility of their mission and that life is more important than country. Eventually, both Mike and Kinta discover their destiny is the soul of the kamikaze, and they perish in fiery crashes upon the decks of American carriers. Their spirits return to the present day, but one is gone forever while the other learns a sobering and life-changing lesson from his experience.