Plot Summary:Lawrence Welk takes us to Italy where Johnny Prosciutto sings to the Merril sisters from the Finger Lakes. Mick Jagger hosts: he plays a movie action hero who discloses his real personality on a game show, a London economist speaking for J.P. Morgan in an interview with Al Sharpton, an insurance agent reluctant to sing karaoke, a dad on a soap opera, Steven Tyler as a TV host and a pitchman, and an M.C. at graduation. The digital short is "Lazy Sunday 2." Jagger sings with Arcade Fire, the Foo Fighters, and Jeff Beck. Cameos are plentiful, and the spotlight is on Kristen Wiig in her final appearance as a regular cast member.
第37季第22集 PBS继续为你带来一个意大利人寻找美国妻子的故事.....本期主持Mick Jagger,烦恼于每次都被问到同样的问题,Mick这次在现场一次性回答了所有的问题,包括他最喜欢的当代乐队。Mick和同事们一起去唱歌,却不敢上台,眼睁睁看着台上的人模仿Mick Jagger博得女同事欢心,孤独的他只能独唱《I can't get no satisfation》......本期音乐嘉宾是Mick Jagger和Foo Fighters、Arcade Fire还有Jeff Beck。同时本期节目也是送别Kristen Wiig和Andy Samberg的告别演出。