冲破魔界Escape From Atlantis(1997)



主演:Jeff Speakman Tim Thomerson Justin Burnette 梅塞德斯·麦克纳博 

导演:Strathford Hamilton / 编剧:Arne Olsen





Plot Summary:A world unlike any you've ever known! Matt Spencer, a workaholic attorney and single father, is struggling to raise his three rebellious teenagers in the wake of his wife walking out on him. Chris Spencer, Matt's eldest son, is a handsome, over-achieving, straight-laced 18-year-old who is angry with his father about the divorce, even though his mother is the one who left. Daughter Claudia is a typical 16-year-old mall rat with too much time on her hands and the good looks that usually spell trouble. Youngest son Adam is a hip 13-year-old with a big mouth and a smart-alec attitude to go along with it. In an attempt to bring his family together again, Matt charters a sailboat for a 10-day surprise cruise to the Bahamas. The kids, selfishly un-excited about the trip, try to talk their father out of it, but he is steadfast in his determination to spend some quality family time together. Upon landing in Florida, the Spencers arrive at the dock to board the Wind Dancer, a beautiful 90-foot ...
麦特(Jeff Speakman饰)是一个有工作狂的律师,与妻子离婚后,他必须独力抚养3个令人头痛的孩子。为了重新培养家人之间的感情,麦特租了一艘帆船,计划展开为期10天的巴哈马之旅。没想到,他们在百慕达三角州附近,遇到了强烈的飓风,经过时空的交错,来到了传说中失落的神秘岛----亚特兰提斯。在这个岛上,爱好和平的居民、与统治他们的暴君之间发生冲突,麦特一家无端被卷入这场冲突中,他们拼命想回到现实世界,逃亡的过程中,遇到了一些神话中的怪物、邪恶的魔术师、与超自然的远古力量,那儿的世界,绝对是你我无法想像的......麦特一家是否能回到现实世界呢?
