印度蓝调India Blues: Eight Feelings(2013)

主演:Christoph Forny Yiannis Kolios 

导演:George Markakis / 编剧:George Markakis





Plot Summary:Synopsis "India Blues" is an edgy, bold and passionate love story between two young men who are sometimes afraid to love each other. Through exploring their experiences and the trivial or important moments in their relationship in real time (their first kiss, their first sexual encounter, their awkward silences, their last hug), we are submerged in their universe of love and the feelings that come with it. Like Jean-Luc Godard once said, "a film should have a beginning, a middle, and an end. But not necessarily in that order". In taking full advantage of that challenge, lies the unique element of "India Blues": the feelings the characters experience are not presented to us in sequence, but in the "wrong" order - Pain, Lust, Happiness, Jealousy, Attraction, Peacefulness, Love and Anger, function as eight segments-chapters in the coming together and the tearing apart of two very different people. The intensity of the two characters' feelings, which is highlightened even more by the fact...
“印度蓝调”是一个前卫、大胆、热烈的爱情故事,两个年轻人有时不敢彼此去爱。他们的第一个吻,第一次发生性关系,他们的尴尬的沉默,最后的拥抱。通过相爱中这些重要的时刻,我们也同主角一同感受着爱情带给我们的各种感觉!   Jean Luc Godard曾经说过,“一部电影要有开始,中间和结束。但不一定是在这个顺序。“印度蓝调”就将其八种感觉一一不按顺序的呈现给我们:痛苦,欲望、幸福、嫉妒、吸引力、和平、爱和愤怒……
