Plot Summary:Mickey the mail pilot is entrusted with a chest of money. He battles rain and snow, but his biggest battle is against Pete, who has a plane equipped with a machine gun and a harpoon cannon. Mickey's plane quickly loses its wings and propeller to Pete's armaments, but he improvises a helicopter blade with a clothes-drying rack, then, when that gives way, a replacement prop from a windmill. At this point, Pete harpoons him, and Mickey drags Pete through a bell tower, demolishing Pete's plane. Mickey delivers the money to Minnie and Pete to the authorities.
在一个庞大的邮政飞机场内,员工们终日忙碌,快乐无比。他们分发邮件,统一装包,由专门的飞行员送往世界各地。米老鼠也是众多邮政飞行员中的一员,他正在给心爱的飞机进行调试,期间还不忘亲吻最亲爱的女朋友米妮的照片。这时,一辆全副武装的货车来到飞机场,车上装有巨额现金,需要用飞机送往另一地。米奇受命执行这项艰巨而危险的任务,因为途中他将遇到臭名昭著的邮政大盗。不过米奇信心满满,丝毫不为危险所动,慨然驾驶飞机冲向天空。 飞行途中,他遭遇了狂风暴雨、闪电惊雷、严寒冰雪,当然不可避免地还将与邮政大盗展开一场惊险刺激的对决……