
又名:Life Running Out of Control


主演:Alejandro Argumedo 比尔·克林顿 比尔·克林顿 Bill Clinton 

导演:Bertram Verhaag / 





Plot Summary:GMOs are Genetically Modified Organisms which have made their debut in plants like corn and soybean, but are now in animals for consumption. The controversy of corporations owning "life-forms" and pushing GMOs in 3rd world countries comes to a head in India and Canada in this film. The battle between the corporations and the farmers/naturalists is in full swing with the corporations saying they are improving upon Nature with size and resistance to disease of the new organism. Farmers and naturalist activists say this is not as simple as an Oil spill where eventually the harm from the spill will be overcome by time's healing powers. GMOs on the other hand may destroy the very ecosystem forever, because these new lifeforms replicate as does all life.
GMO(Genetically Modified Organisms),转基因科技,使得商家可以改变生物的各种特性,以达到商业盈利的目的。而缺乏政府的监控,很多未经实验论证的转基因产品进入了市场,没有人知道这些改进基因的产品会对人体造成什么后果。因为多数基因工程的科学家(9成以上)都是在为商业服务,只有极少数基因科学家在非商业环境下,研究转基因食品会对人体造成的干扰等。已经有部分动物实验发现了不少问题,而各国的法律上并没有对转基因产品做任何控制。而垄断商业对基因产品的版权化(农作物为主),使得普通农民都不能合法的种植世代相传的各类农作物了。   这部纪录片主要以加拿大和印度为主要采访地点,初步探讨了转基因技术对人所造成的影响。
