杜尚:反艺术至上Marcel Duchamp: Art of the Possible(2019)


主演:马塞尔·杜尚 Marina Abramovic William Anastasi Michel Gondry Bibbe Hansen Jeff Koons 

导演:Matthew Taylor / 编剧:Matthew Taylor



日期 资源名称
2020-06-13 杜尚:反艺术至上.marcel.duchamp.art.of.the.possible.2019.h



Plot Summary:The film explores the life, philosophy and impact of one of the most influential early 20th century modernists, Marcel Duchamp. The film breaks down Duchamp's ideas and applies them to both historical events and the modernist explosion that blanketed the early 20th century. Art of the Possible isn't simply a biopic; rather, the film shows how Duchamp's ideas changed the public consciousness, and our understanding of aesthetics, art, and culture. The film highlights the singular impact of Duchamp's philosophy on art, and, more importantly, examines how Duchamp's revolutionary ideas from the early 20th century have shaped the 21st century and modern day.
艺术就一定高档?杜尚话你知尿兜可以是艺术品,名画《蒙娜丽莎》也可以被他加上两撇须,流芳后世。杜尚轻而易举地颠覆造反,重新定义几百年以来的艺术。这位概念艺术之父,挑战传统的审美观,打破艺术的规范和形式,拒绝重复的创作模式,让后世的艺术家毫无包袱,发挥无远弗届的想像力,启发安迪・华荷(Andy Warhol)、约翰・凯吉(John Cage)、小野洋子(Yoko Ono),甚至Lady Gaga。本片聚焦费城艺术博物馆及耶鲁大学美术馆等珍藏的杜尚作品,透过如《大玻璃》,投射超越身体和现实的四维空间,提倡以不同的角度去感受艺术品。当代艺术名家库恩斯(Jeff Koons)、鬼才导演米高・歌治(Michel Gondry)、行为艺术教母玛莉娜(Marina Abramović)更会在片中亮相,细说杜尚如何反艺术至上。
