Plot Summary:Per Wikipedia:Requiem from the Darkness ( , Kyogoku Natsuhiko Kosetsu Hyaku Monogatari?, lit. "Natsuhiko Kyougoku's Hundred Stories") is a series of novels by Natsuhiko Kyogoku. It was made into horror anime series, licensed in English by Geneon Entertainment, and into a series of live action TV specials directed by Yukihiko Tsutsumi.The plot of the anime revolves around a young writer named Momosuke who wishes to write a book of 100 ghost stories and his encounters with three spiritual beings. The three beings are recurring characters in the show who function as a team that punishes sinners, most frequently murderers. Their names are Mataichi, a small creature wrapped in bandages who serves as leader of the group, Ogin, an attractive, voluptuous and large breasted female puppeteer, and Nagamimi, a shape shifter. The opening song 'The Flame' and the ending song 'The Moment of Love' where both preformed by Keiko Lee.
古い名画座、中野光座にフラリと立ち寄ったサラリーマン、多和は、イサオという男を追うチンピラたちに遭遇する。やがて彼は、死期間近のイサオのため闘うことを決意する。 「BLUES HARP」「鬼火」などの脚本家、森岡利行の初監督作。廃館間近の映画館を舞台に、組織に追われ逃げ込んだヤクザを中心とした激しくもせつない群像劇が展開する。