我们与天空的距离Η απόσταση ανάμεσα στον ουρανό κι εμάς(2019)

又名:The Distance Between Us and the Sky / La distance entre le ciel et nous / 我們與天空之間(台)


主演:Ioko Ioannis Kotidis Nikos Zeginoglou 

导演:瓦西里斯·可卡托斯 / 编剧:Vasilis Kekatos





Plot Summary:Night, national road. Two strangers meet for the first time at an old gas station. One has stopped to gas up his bike, while the other is just stranded. Lacking the 22.50EUR he needs to get home, he will try to sell him the distance that separates them from the sky.
Night, national road. Two strangers meet for the first time at an old gas station. One has stopped to gas up his bike, while the other is just stranded. Lacking the 22.50EUR he needs to get home, he will try to sell him the distance that separates them from the sky.
