Plot Summary:In this sequel to Aoi sanmyaku (1949) the focus is not on the students', but the teachers' life. When one day a love letter is discovered it escalates into case over which teacher and students clash. The incident blows up and there is a dispute about the truth leading to a parent-teacher association meeting. There is a vote on who is correct, which in turn leads to the teacher's version winning out. A thief is soon caught at the headmaster's office with the perpetrator being none other than one of the students trying to steal the love letter. This leads to a confession and an apology.
以端正校风和宣扬民主为名的松山浅子(山本和子 饰),与以提倡自由的岛崎雪子老师(原节子 饰)之间的争论渐次扩大,当地的报纸和民众产生热议,更因此惊动了校理事会。虽然大多数的同事并不支持,幸好有沼田医生(龙崎一郎 饰)和几个学生的鼓励,岛崎老师始终坚定着自己的信念。 校方会议上,理事长和心术不正的田中老师不断发难,坚持要将寺泽新子(杉叶子 饰)开除,少数派的岛崎老师最终能否保护自己的学生呢? 改编自石坂洋次郎1949年6月~10月在《朝日新闻》连载的同名小说,曾先后数次被搬上银幕。