Plot Summary:Mickey is stranded on an island. He runs into some cannibals who are about to cook a fellow cannibal. Mickey scares them off and makes friends with the cannibal whom he calls Friday. Together, they build a fort to protect themselves from the cannibals when they come back, but end up fleeing for their lives on Mickey's raft.
蔚蓝的大海之上,米奇(华特·迪士尼 Walt Disney 配音)驾驶着他的小船一路前行。可是浪头突然变得分外汹涌,他的船完全失去控制,被推到了一座小岛之上,在礁石上撞得粉碎。晕头转向的米奇站起身来,听到附近传来阵阵鼓声。他从树丛里张望过去,只见一群土著载歌载舞进行某种仪式,而在一口沸腾的油锅上面,一个黑人土著正被迫迈向死亡。米奇急中生智,做出了一个怪物吓跑土著,救下那个可怜的牺牲品,并为他起名星期五(比利·布莱彻 Billy Bletcher 配音)。 开心的米奇和星期五约定建一个坚固的堡垒,防止凶恶的土著们入侵。果不其然,当堡垒建好的那一刻,愤怒的土著们卷土重来……