基情二加一 第四季(2001)

主演:布兰登·比默 强尼·莱维斯 萨拉·简·莫里斯 亚丽珊·波特 贝丝·涅斯格拉夫 Michelle Ongkingco 

导演:Tim Andrew / 

基情二加一 第四季:在线播放

基情二加一 第四季:最新迅雷BT资源

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基情二加一 第四季:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:'Robert and Bobbi segment': Robert moves into a new dorm room only to find out that they misprinted his roommates name who turns out to be a girl named Bobbi. Bobbi is very sassy, and rich, and tries to coup with Robert, while they try to work out with the housing department. They get on each others nerve on the first night and Robert separates the room in half. 'Maggie, Lisa/Damon segment': Maggie is shocked when her best friend, Lisa, breasts has grown. The problem is that Maggie feels uneasy about her size and talks to Lisa about it. They decide to get it from a guys POV, and Damon, Lisa's boyfriend, talks how guys love it. Maggie leaves the room, and Lisa and Damon proceed to make out. 'Randy, Gil, Alice, Marguerite segment': Randy moves in with a guy named Gil, after he was seeking a roommate. He is shocked to find out that Gil is polyamorous with Alice and Marguerite. They explain it's a whole time issue, they don't have sex together. Marguerite talks with Randy with this issue more, while Gil, and Alice has sex. Marguerite explains their relationship is very open, and can have sex with whoever they want to. It's just that they can fall back on Gil, if it don't work out with another guy/girl.
