福星小子 OVA 愤怒的夏贝特(1988)


主演:古川登志夫 平野文 神谷明 岛津冴子 杉山佳寿子 

导演:四分一节子 / 编剧:高桥留美子 Rumiko Takahashi

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福星小子 OVA 愤怒的夏贝特:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Lum & her girlfriends are invited to Neptune by Oyuki. There she shows them her new business venture at a ranch of flying sherbets, birds capable of producing sherbet cones from their beaks. Ran convinces Oyuki to let her borrow one, her goal is to make some quick cash selling sherbets on Earth. Unfortunately, the combination of being overworked and a hot summer day has made the sherbet extremely cranky, even from its refrigerated cage. It breaks from its cage and escapes, but not before attacking Ran and Lum, and trashing Benten's brand-new bike by shooting sherbet cones at it. Now it's up to Ran to retrieve the sherbet before Benten blasts it out of the sky, and more importantly, before Oyuki finds out.
海王星盛产一种名叫夏贝特的奇怪生物,它们的口中可以取出蛋筒雪泥冰,并且取之不尽,用之不竭。小兰看到其中的商机,请求阿雪借给她一只带回地球。此时地球正值盛夏,小兰利用夏贝特赚了不少钱。但她却忽略了重要的一点,夏贝特不适应炎热的气候,一旦过热它就会烦躁不安。   终于恼怒的夏贝特开始攻击小兰,再加上弁天和拉姆的介入,最终导致这个狂躁的小生物逃跑。小兰原打算带着钱逃跑,但阿雪生气时的恐怖样子,又迫使她和拉姆、弁天一同追踪逃脱的夏贝特……
