我从天上来Quand tu descendras du ciel(2003)



主演:贝诺提·吉欧斯 Jean-Francois 塞尔日·里亚布金 

导演:艾力克·吉哈多 / 编剧:米歇尔·菲思勒 Michel Fessler/艾力克·吉哈多 Eric Guirado





Plot Summary:In a nice town,the town council wishes a merry Christmas to all the tramps out on the street.Some "security" men round up some of them whom they force to get into their van.The mayor just wants to get rid of them because "for Christmas,there are too many people on the sidewalks and those people would spoil prettily decorated shops!"So they leave them in the cold country ,with a crate full of oranges . Jerome has just arrived from his farm where there was not enough work.He's hired by the town hall and they give him the dirty job to do.Whereas most of his "colleagues" accept this disgusting work,it is not long before he takes a rebel stand,abetted by a young female journalist.
十一月底,热罗姆由于农场经营出现困难,便离开家乡去城市寻找工作。最后他在市政府技术处找到了工作,那就是在新年来临之际,帮助市政府的职员吕西安一起装饰圣诞树。但不久以后,市政府便开始执行《反乞讨决议》。热罗姆发现和他结下友谊的流浪汉La Chignole也在被驱逐之列。   虽然热罗姆初到城市,内心忐忑,   虽然姐姐离开家很久,生活无常,   虽然热罗姆同事没有更多的钱让妻子和4个女儿住上大房子,全家一起滑雪,   虽然那个涉世未深的女大学生,仍以为反映事实就是新闻报道,   但当热罗姆在等待开垦的土地上,用拖拉机牵线拉着所有对生活都怀有巨大期待的这些大人、孩子,欢快地在地面画出弧线时, 我们便发现剧中人之前所有的无奈、紧张与不安都被融化了,   可能是因为我们总是将困难放大,   也可能是因为春天就要来了...... by wangyi
