Plot Summary:The families having known each other for generations, the Andovers, the Parises and the Tates own and operate The Elixir of Life, a juice company. They are also only three of twelve remaining members of the Witches Council, the dwindling numbers due to one form of attrition or another. Of the next generation, Matt Andover and Lizzy Paris are on the executive of the company, while Colin Tate, who has never demonstrated any warlock powers and thus has always felt the black sheep of the group, has left the company to lead a mortal life in a want to feel like he belongs. Colin leaving the company was much to the dismay of his father, Jason Tate, especially as he feels like the Andovers and Parises are making moves to consolidate their power leaving the Tates out in the cold. The latest such move is the announcement of Matt and Lizzy's engagement, the wedding to take place in one week on Halloween. In reality, the marriage, arranged largely by Matt's widowed mother Abby, was purely to ...