100.000 dollari per Lassiter(1966)


主演:Robert Hundar Pamela Tudor 路易吉·皮斯蒂利 何塞·博达洛 Jesús Puente 罗伯托·卡马迭尔 阿尔多·桑布雷利 Carlos Romero Marchent 

导演:华金·路易斯·罗梅罗·马琴特 / 编剧:赛尔乔·多纳蒂 Sergio Donati

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100.000 dollari per Lassiter:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:In a desert region, Martin, bound to a wheelchair, is served by a gang of bandits to collect rents and kill anybody who resists. Then Lassiter arrives, telling Martin that he knows where Frank is, the man who made him a cripple.
