The Man from Brodney's(1923)

又名:Um Homem às Direitas


主演:J·沃伦·克里根 Alice Calhoun 万达·霍利 杜邦小姐 帕特·奥马利 凯瑟琳·凯 伯特伦·格拉斯比 

导演:David Smith / 编剧:C·格雷厄姆·贝克 C. Graham Baker/乔治·巴尔·麦卡奇翁 George Barr McCutcheon

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The Man from Brodney's:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:A drama of the India Seas that has Hollingsworth Chance (J. Warren Kerrigan), a young American, tangled in court intrigue to, is put to the supreme test to save the girl he loves, Princess Geneva (Alice Calhoun).
