

主演:大卫·苏切 斯蒂芬·弗雷 多米尼克·皮侬 

导演:Esteban Ibarretxe / Jose Miguel Ibarretxe / 编剧:Esteban Ibarretxe





Plot Summary:June, 1815. Napoleon Bonaparte, surrounded by enemies, is about to play his definitive part in history. He has spent his whole life creating a mystique, becoming synonymous with determination, strength and mystery. But, that whole super-leader trip is smothering him and he just can't stand it anymore. Meanwhile, one of his aides, le maréchal Hugo Armani, has only one dream: to emulate the man who is his idol, his emperor. Armani picks the battle of Waterloo as the moment for his borderline psychotic attack - the first case of Napoleonic delirium in modern psychiatry. Due to the shortage of maréchals at the moment, Napoleon's got no choice: he has to leave Armani in command. Unbalanced Armani, so unexpectedly promoted, now leads the troops of France.
1815年,拿破仑准备在比利时与联盟军一决雌雄,战争一触即发。   如果不是一个精神不健全的人的介入,事情或许不会是这样的结果。四等兵阿玛尼因为枪走火,偏巧击中了向拿破仑开枪行刺的刺客朱力。惊魂未定,就由一名普通士兵提升为陆军元帅,接替了朱力的位置。拿破仑从此不再是无神论者,正是因为这个士兵与自己命运的联系。尽管他明显的与众不同,还是委以重任。   为了追逐他的心上人、英国间谍,拿破仑乔装成印地安女人,赶着马车穿越战场来到英军阵地。而他将战争的一切事项都交给了阿玛尼。阿玛尼忘乎所以,自称是拿破仑,行使起法国国王的威权。在他的贸然指挥下,无数勇敢士兵永远地留在疆场。当他自己被联盟军队俘虏时,面对质问,还在做着法国国王的痴梦,而真正的拿破仑得以金蝉脱壳。目睹了这场闹剧的英军将领只能望洋兴叹。
