Écoute voir...(1979)

又名:See Here My Love


主演:凯瑟琳·德纳芙 萨米·弗雷 安东尼维泰兹 安娜·帕里约 

导演:雨果·圣地亚哥 / 编剧:Claude Ollier/雨果·圣地亚哥 Hugo Santiago

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Écoute voir...:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Young aristocrat Arnaud de Maule hires female private detective Claude Alphand to investigate a strange cult, the Church of the Final Revival, that tried to recruit his girlfriend Chloé, who then disappeared, and it now stalks him.
Young aristocrat Arnaud de Maule hires female private detective Claude Alphand to investigate a strange cult, the Church of the Final Revival, that tried to recruit his girlfriend Chloé, who then disappeared, and it now stalks him.
