Plot Summary:Surprised when Paige, who feels she lost out to Jack's vocation, wants to jump his bones gain, Tyler closes up the garage, ignoring the strange noise they heard, actually from the dumpster Archie's bully bunch locked Charlie in. Mark takes sensible charge while Charlie just panics and rages at Amber when they realize Charlie went missing during their hot night hole alone, assuming he slept over with buddy Jimmie, who now feels somewhat guilty for sending his loyal playmate away. Mark just beats the dumpster emptying truck thanks to a tip from Tyler and Paige, who does wrecks the reconciliation with Piper, who offered to organize together an amicable divorce party from Brad who consented to liberate Terese's assets fro the hotel takeover. Amy hopes she can choose the short pain by publicly hosting a handyman supplies sale in her French maid outfit top.