Death Match(2013)


主演:奥文·安森 江原修 Ali Fawaz Almario Leal Maxine Mamba Kuya Manzano 肯扬·马丁 Kôzô Takeda Elle Velasco 

导演:室贺厚 / 

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Plot Summary:A former mercenary Joe tries to help a married woman, Lisa, who is a victim of domestic violence by her husband, but Joe kills him by accident. After completing his six-year term in jail, he funds out Lisa is still paying off the debt left by her husband. He gets involved in the street-fighting to make money.
A former mercenary Joe tries to help a married woman, Lisa, who is a victim of domestic violence by her husband, but Joe kills him by accident. After completing his six-year term in jail, he funds out Lisa is still paying off the debt left by her husband. He gets involved in the street-fighting to make money.
