探索者:世纪探险Explorers: Adventures of the Century(2013)

主演:Steve Fisher Will Gadd Rush Sturges Ben Marr 斯特凡·格洛沃茨 Carlos Burle Dan Campbell Ross Clarke-Jones Tyler Curtis Géraldine Fasnacht 亚历山大·胡贝尔 托马斯·胡贝尔 

导演:未知编剧:Mark Anders/Sebastian Copeland/Thomas Dirnhofer





Plot Summary:In a world in which all boundaries seem to have been conquered, adventurers and extreme sports people restlessly seek out new challenges. They try to defeat the impregnable, make come through the impossible - despite all threatening risks and hazarding perilous efforts. "Explorers - adventures of the century" profiles the wild dozen of the most exceptional protagonists - both men and women - in their quest for the adventures of the new century. Here's kayaker Steve Fisher as he conquers the hundred year flood on the treacherous Zambezi River, no exit point is too extreme for BASE-jumpers Valery Rozov and Karina Hollekim, while Irish marathon swimmer Stephen Redmond withstands the gruelling open sea to become the first to swim the iconic Seven Oceans. They all venture into new terrain, going to their personal limits and take the viewer on the adventure of a lifetime.
