

主演:罗宾·邓恩 基拉·桑切斯 

导演:Richard Shepard / 编剧:George Finch





Plot Summary:A wealthy teenager who suddenly loses her money will go to any lengths to get it back in this made-for-cable thriller. Kristen and Jason are a pair of seniors at an exclusive private high school; they run with a crowd of rich kids more interested in judging others by their wealth or social status than their qualities as people. Kristen has been accepted into Harvard, but learns that her plans may have to change when the business owned by her father (in tandem with Jason's family) suddenly goes belly-up after years of success, leaving both of their families flat broke. Trying not to think about her problems, Kristen goes away for the weekend with Jason and a group of their friends. One of the guests, Richard, is a scholarship student who comes from a economically disadvantaged family and doesn't fit in with many of the other kids. Over the course of the weekend, Richard discovers that a lottery ticket he bought earlier in the week is a winner, and he's now worth several million dollars...
克丝汀(琳茜麦肯)是个个性骄纵的千金大小姐,她的父母因投资失败即将宣告破产,不甘被迫放弃优渥生活的她无意间得知同学   理查(罗宾杜恩)赢得百万乐透大奖,当她的美人计失败后,恼羞成怒的她决定说服男友杰森(魏德卡本特)帮她除掉理查,再将他的中奖彩券占为己有
