Plot Summary:A cameraman follows a female student reporter, who tries to re-create murder scenes with amateur actors and friends, just for proving she can do better than all the other students in her class. What starts like a fun thing, slowly turns into a depressing experience for the reporter. The re-enactments stop being just amateurish or boring and become real. The people involved forget that there is a camera in front of them and get deep into the scene. The fifth attempt of a story becomes 100 % real, when 2 girlfriends start fighting over a real-life boyfriend. The result is the only thing nobody saw coming... A real murder in front of the camera.... Shot in Black And White, this is the first movie by MacabroFilms and Philippos Halatsis. It took about 2 years to be completed. The first cut was a 90 minute incredibly realistic piece of film that no sane person can watch. Small details make everything enjoyable but difficult for the viewer, who is actually struggling to breathe while ...