The Shadow of the Eagle(1932)

又名:A Sombra da Águia


主演:约翰·韦恩 多萝西·格利佛 Walter Miller 肯尼思·哈尔兰 理查德·塔克 帕特·奥马利 Edmund Burns 亚基马·坎纳特 罗伊·德阿西 比利·韦斯特 Edward Hearn Lloyd Whitlock 'Little Billy' Rhodes Ivan Linow James Bradbury Jr. 

导演:福特·毕比 / B. Reeves Eason / 编剧:福特·毕比 Ford Beebe/Colbert Clark

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The Shadow of the Eagle:最新迅雷BT资源

日期 资源名称
2020-02-11 Shadow of the Eagle (1941) 12 Ch. Movie Serial
日期 资源名称
2020-02-11 John Wayne(1932) - The shadow of the eagle

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The Shadow of the Eagle:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Nathan Gregory is a World War I veteran pilot who runs a small, debt-ridden traveling carnival along with loyal daughter Jean. Gregory is at odds with five of his former squadron comrades, who he thinks shot him down in 1918 and stole his plans for an incredible invention, a radio=piloted plane. An enigmatic criminal, called "The Eagle", and his gang of toughs skywrites threatening the five businessmen with vengeance for their past misdeeds. Although Gregory is suspected of being the arch-villain, especially after he disappears, hero Craig McCoy and the carnival's midget, strongman, and ventriloquist struggle to expose "The Eagle's" identity.
