

主演:Bené Batista Jonas Bloch Zózimo Bulbul 

导演:Carlos Diegues / 



日期 资源名称
2020-02-10 Quilombo (1984) DVDRip.x264-Distanasia
日期 资源名称
2020-02-10 Quilombo - Carlos Diegues
2020-02-10 Quilombo (1984)



Plot Summary:Palmares is a 17th-century quilombo, a settlement of escaped slaves in northeast Brazil. In 1650, plantation slaves revolt and head for the mountains where they find others led by the aged seer, Acotirene. She anoints one who becomes Ganga Zumba, a legendary king. For years, his warriors hold off Portuguese raiders; then he agrees to leave the mountains in exchange for reservation land and peace. It's a mistake. Zumbi, a warrior whose mother was killed by Portuguese and who spent 15 years with the Whites, stays in the mountains to lead Palmares. In 1694, the Portuguese import a ruthless captain from São Paulo to lead an assault on the free Blacks. Can Zumbi keep Palmares free?
十四世纪,大批非洲黑人被葡萄牙人奴隶绑架并贩卖到巴西的甘蔗园,在奴隶主的驱使和欺凌下辛苦劳作,屈辱度日。其中一些人不堪忍受,四散逃离,经过几个世纪,巴西个偏远山区形成了一个个黑人建立的逃奴堡,其中最为著名的便是坐落于巴西东北部棕榈地。逃奴堡宛如与世隔绝的独立王国,在这里,黑人们刀耕火种,自给自足,过着无忧无虑的生活。   非洲某部罗王子冈戈(Tony Tornado 饰)打猎时被捕并运至巴西,桀骜不驯的冈戈和难友杀死奴隶主,带领族人逃向了黑奴的理想国——棕榈地……
