夜空之星Star in the Night(1945)


主演:卡罗尔·耐什 唐纳德·伍兹 Rosina Galli 李察·厄尔德曼 Lynn Baggett John Miles 安东尼·卡卢索 欧文·培根 克莱尔杜布里 迪克·埃利奥特 Cactus Mack Virginia Sale 

导演:唐·希格尔 / 编剧:Robert Finch/Saul Elkins/唐·希格尔 Don Siegel





Plot Summary:It's Christmas Eve. Three cowboys have just bought out a store of items as Christmas presents, despite not having anyone to give the presents to. While two of them admit to wanting to impress the pretty sales clerk, the third just felt good buying gifts to give to someone. Riding through the dark desert on horseback, they see a flashing star off in the distance, which they ride over to investigate. The newly purchased second hand star is a sign just erected by Nick Catapoli for his business, the Star Auto Court. Nick has no Christmas spirit, especially as he deals with the problems of customers, this despite his wife Rosa serving all their customers with a smile and warm heart. He believes most people are hypocrites in that they espouse this spirit at this one time of the year while not having it any other time. As such, he does not want to extend his lobby as shelter for a drifter who just wants to come in from the cold for a little while. Although the drifter tries to explain the ...
